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White Paper

The ChainToken network ("CTK") is a decentralized and incentivized infrastructure that provides privacy to a broad range of message-based applications and services. The core component of CTKToken is a mix-net that protects network traffic meta-data for applications, providing communication privacy that is superior to both VPNs and Tor against global adversaries that can watch the entire internet. Nodes in the mix-net are rewarded via a novel proof of mixing scheme that proves that mix nodes are providing a high quality of service. Rewards given by CTKToken tokens allow anyone to join the CTKToken network and enable a sustainable economic model for privacy. CTKToken tokens can be transformed into anonymous credentials that allow users to privately prove their "right to use" services in a decentralized and verifiable manner. The CTKToken network can serve as the foundation for a vast range of privacy-enhanced applications that defend the fundamental freedoms of people across the globe against traffic analysis by powerful adversaries. ChainToken which was created to serve as a means of legal tendency amongst its community of users, this coin is backed up by all block-fortress affiliate companies and reserves. block-fortress is currently with over 23 companies which are involved in the following sector: Crypto Trading, Forex Trading, Agricultural Farm Produce, Blockchain Technologies and Mining, Oil and Gas, real Estates and so on. Our coin is currently progressing at 0.085% daily, we estimate that by the end of 2022 we may be at the margin of 2% to 3% daily. We are working restlessly to ensure that ChainToken(CTK) will be listed in the coin market and exchanges.

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